a list of interviews, blog posts and other engagements around climate topics
Please contact me for media enquiries.
Video interviews
Interview with Nation TV (Kenya) at the UNFCCC SBSTA conference, June 2024
Interview with British Embassy in Vienna and visit to Geosphere Austria, April 2024
Interview for the Natural Environment Research Council Societal Impact Award prize, December 2023

BBC Newsnight television interview (BBC Two) on consequences of climate change for intensity of heatwaves in the UK, August 2022

Sky News interview on the publication of the IPCC Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C, October 2018
Radio and podcast interviews
- BBC Radio 5 Live, United Kingdom: on the climate policies of the two main political parties, June 2024
- FM4, Austria: on the likelihood of exceeding 1.5°C and the consequences of climate change, April 2024
- BBC Radio 4 World At One, United Kingdom: on the impacts for humanity and biodiversity if current global temperatures continue to rise, July 2023
- BBC World Service interview on “The Climate Question” on the climate impact from the attack on the NordStream gas pipeline, October 2022. This was to follow up rapid analysis conducted using the fair model in response to misconceptions that the climate impact from the released methane would be significant. Original tweet here
Print and online media interviews
- Hoe groot is de impact van methaan op de klimaatopwarming?, VRT, November 2024 [in Dutch]. I comment on the warming contribution from methane and how to reconcile different estimates provided by the IPCC and WMO.
- How the blob was born, Ethical Investor, July 2024, linking aerosol emissions reductions in China to the Pacific marine heatwave.
- The 1.5-degree climate goal may be ‘deader than a doornail,’ and scientists are bitterly divided over it, CNN, January 2024. I was one of the scientists pushing back against Jim Hansen’s claim that global warming is accelerating rapidly.
- Earth Was Due for Another Year of Record Warmth. But This Warm?, New York Times, December 2023. Another piece in which I caution against using one or two extremely warm years to conclude that we had entered a new era of accelerated climate warming.
- Climat : 2023, l’adieu à l’objectif de rester sous la barre de 1,5 °C ?, France 24, September 2023 [in French]. Another article in which I comment against over-interpreting one warm year in the context of the Paris Agreement.
- The Premier League has a short haul flights crisis and Man Utd are the latest damaging culprits, The Mirror, Feburary 2023. I calculate that taking a domestic flight from Newcastle to Liverpool emitted 25 times as much carbon dioxide as the team coach.
(not an exhaustive list)
Carbon Brief
- Guest post: The Global Methane Pledge needs to go further to help limit warming to 1.5C, November 2021
- Guest post: The role ‘emulator’ models play in climate change projections, September 2021
- Cutting air pollution would not cause ‘near-term spike’ in global warming, September 2019
- What does revised methane data mean for the Paris Agreement?, September 2017
Articles in The Conversation and their translations are automatically picked up in the RSS feed on the blog page.
Press conferences
- Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA60), Bonn, Germany, June 2024. Press conference on the Indicators of Global Climate Change 2023.
Public lectures
- Café Scientifique, Chapel Allerton Leeds, 2023
- Café Scientifique, Huddersfield, 2019
- Café Scientifique, Headingley Leeds, 2018